Contaminated site checklist

Are you sure that the property, that you want to buy, sell, evaluate, build on, broker, loan money on, inherit or insure, is free of contamination?

This question should be clarified early on to avoid unpleasant and expensive surprises!


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Using our ‘contaminated site checklist’ will assist with establishing whether contamination is likely at your site. And through this you will be better able to decide whether in-depth research and investigation by experts is necessary.

Contamination of sites not only leads to reduced property value, but also present a liability risk. According to the Federal Soil Protection Act (1998), not only the party responsible for causing a detrimental soil change or contamination to a site, but also the property owner is obligated to remediate the soil and contaminated sites in such a manner that no hazards, considerable disadvantages or considerable danger to individuals or the general public occur in the long term.

The sooner you gain more specific information on potential land contamination at your property, the more likely you will be to make the right decisions.