Conversion sites / solar parks

The German Renewable Energy Sources Act (2017) stipulates specific requirements that need to be met in order to receive subsidies for the establishment of solar parks in open spaces.

According to the Act sealed areas or conversion areas that were formerly used commercially, by traffic, as housing or military sites, and are not located within a nature reserve or national park, may be used for establishment of solar parks. Areas qualify for conversion if the ecological value of the area is deemed to be substantially impaired as a result of its former commercial or military use. This is to ensure that productive areas, which may be suited to agricultural or forestry use are not compromised. In conversion reports the ecological value  of an area or soil is examined.

For example, the ecological value of a site may be substantially impaired due to:

  • Soil contamination or adverse soil conditions
  • Explosive ordnances
  • Sealed surfaces associated with considerable impacts on the natural soil functions
  • Impairment of natural soil functions

Additionally areas with physical structures which were used for other purposes than to generate electricity are eligible for the construction of solar parks. The physical structures may be overgrown by ruderal species which are common on neglected sites.

For a physical structure to be acknowledged regarding claims to remuneration according to the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (2017) an extensive evaluation of the site is executed.

The following examples show acknowledged physical structures:

  • Sealed surfaces
  • Accumulations and excavations
  • Storage places
  • Streets and parking areas for motorized vehicles
  • Sports- and playgrounds

What can we provide?

An initial feasibility study is carried out to ensure the project is viable under the government scheme. Thereafter an investigation plan will be drafted outlining the relevant parameters used to indicate the ecological impairment value (or physical structures). Once the technical investigation and analyses have been completed, we can then provide a technical report to substantiate that the area is eligible for funding according to the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (2017).

  • Preliminary examination of the site-specific requirements
  • planning of  the relevant parameters to be analysed
  • Technical investigation of relevant parameters as evidence of the impaired ecological value (or to indicate the physical structures)
  • Expert reports on conversion sites

Geplante Solarparkfläche auf dem Gelände der ehemaligen Raketenabwehrstation in Rietzneuendorf

Ziel der Untersuchung durch UMWELTKONZEPT DR. MEYER war, im Hinblick auf die EEG-Fähigkeit festzustellen, ob am Standort aufgrund der früheren militärischen Nutzung erhebliche Beeinträchti-
gungen des ökologischen Wertes der Fläche bzw.
wesentliche Beeinträchtigungen der natürlichen Bodenfunktionen vorliegen.
Vorgehensweise/ Lösung:
Schädliche Bodenveränderungen wie flächen-
deckende Auffüllungen, ein gestörtes Bodengefüge und die fehlende Ausbildung von Oberboden konnten belegt, schlechte Wachstumsbedingungen für Pflanzen anhand geeigneter Messungen (Ver-
siegelung, Gehalt an technogenen Beimengungen, Bodenverdichtung, bodenchemische Parameter) nachgewiesen sowie eine Förderfähigkeit gemäß
EEG (2014) festgestellt werden.
Weitere Projekte, die von UMWELTKONZEPT DR. MEYER bearbeitet wurden, befinden sich in Bellersdorf, Goldberg, Großfurra, Großwudicke, Hameln, Jessnitz, Meyenburg, Mügeln und Sukow.